Tips For How to Prepare for a Session with a Professional Organizer (Like Me!)

You’ve made the decision to hire a professional organizer - awesome! But now all sorts of questions may be running through your head. “Is this going to be the most cluttered place they have ever been?” “Is she going to try and get me to buy tons of expensive supplies?” “Will she think I am hopeless at this?” “I’m so busy. How the heck am I going to make time to work with this person?” “Are they going to tell everyone about what they see, or worse, put it all on Instagram?”

Starting work with an organizer is exciting and even a little scary.  Here are a few things I like folks to know before we begin:

  1. I am not judging you and I’ve seen it all before. Really!  I am not afraid of chaos and I love a challenge. And furthermore…

  2. No apologies are ever necessary. I am there to meet you where you are. It’s my job to help you, and because of my kooky organizer brain, there is nowhere that I would rather be than alongside you, making your place everything you’ve dreamed of - seriously!

  3. Please don’t buy any new containers or organizing supplies before our sessions, because:

    a. You may already have boxes, bins and supplies that will work well, or

    b. I can help point you in the right direction (that kooky organizer brain knows about all sorts of products that you may not have heard of!)

    You don’t have to tell me twice how awesome the Container Store is (oh, I know!), but hold off just a bit longer.  Our first job is to cut down on the clutter (if needed), sort, and really evaluate what needs to be organized.  Only then will it be time to make a plan for what kinds of supplies will be a good fit, both practically and style wise.

  4. Feel free to do whatever regular cleaning you normally do, but there is no need to tidy up before I come.  I will be evaluating how you live in your space to come up with the best, most realistic plan. I want to see you in your natural habitat.

  5. If we are working one on one, make sure that you eat and stay hydrated.  It can be emotional work, so take care of yourself. Breaks are a great idea, and there are always things that I can do independently whenever you need some down time. Ultimately, I am there to make your life easier. If the pace of organizing is going too fast, be sure to let me know.

  6. Your privacy is my priority. I do not share details about my clients (or even that we are working together) without your permission.  I may take photos of your space to help me work out a logistical and/or design plan, but they are for my use only.  I do not publish "before and after" pictures. Yes, they make IG so much fun, but I would never want them to affect the trust that I want my clients to have in me.

  7. I love my job.  I am so grateful that you are willing to open your home to me.  I know how vulnerable that can feel and I’m honored that you are open to having me in your space.

  8. I am excited to see your space and get started! And with each subsequent session, I am getting to know you and your home better, and it gets even more fun. So let’s get to it!

Melissa Gugni

Hi Friends! I am a professional organizer and stylist serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 2017. I am also the owner of the award winning wine bar Union Larder and the wine and cheese shop Little Vine, both in San Francisco.

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